*** Note for the cut criteria and format *** The Files: For Phenix polsummary4phnx0.dat ... cut condition 0 polsummary4phnx1.dat ... cut condition 1 polsummary4phnx2.dat ... cut condition 2 For Star polsummary4star0.dat ... cut condition 0 polsummary4star1.dat ... cut condition 1 polsummary4star2.dat ... cut condition 2 The Format: - fill ID - run number (CNI polarimeter) - beam energy - date (from this year with unit of day 2002/1/1 0:00 -> 0.0) - ring (1: blue 2: yellow) - polarization (caution1) - polarization error (caution2) - vertical asymmetry and error in the order (Xlsq, Xlsq err, Xsrf, Xsrf err) (caution3) - radial asymmetry and error (Ylsq, Ylsq err) Cautions: 1, The analysing power comes from the Analysing Power Ver2.0 by J.Tojo, # BLUE : (1.27+-0.11)x0.01 -t=(0.7-3.0)x0.01 # YELL : (1.33+-0.15)x0.01 -t=(0.6-2.7)x0.01 The asymmetry value from the least square method is used in the calculation as a representative value. 2, Propageted error from Analyzing power has been included in this error as, d(A/B) = (A/B)*Sqrt((dA/A)**2 + (dB/B)**2) where A is asymmetry and B is Analysing power 3, The asymmetry values are calculated by two method Xlsq ... The least square method. Xsrf ... weighted mean of the two square root formula value, X90 and X45*sqrt(2). Cut Conditions: * cut condition 0 - Almost without selection except the counter bunches for abort gaps PHENIX BLUE 16-20 YELL 36-40 STAR BLUE 36-40 YELL 16-20 * cut condition 1 - 1st bunch (+ corresponding bunch) - 11th bunch (+ corresponding bunch) - 5 bunches colliding with abort gaps, these are PHENIX BLUE 1,11,21,31,16-20 YELL 1,11,41,51,36-40 STAR BLUE 1,11,41,51,36-40 YELL 1,11,21,31,16-20 - apparently anomay bunches known from specific luminosity of the each experiment is excluded (see the list below). plus their corresponding bunches - bunches with Chisq/ndf > 5.0 are dicarded (since this selection is run-by-run type and not fill-by-fill, corresponding bunches are not excluded.) * cut condition 2 - (cut condition1) - reflection of the anomaly bunches, here refection means a affection from other detectors. (ex) The abort gap in STAR (blue:36-40) might do something strange at PHENIX, actually we observed strange specific luminosity at PHENIX crossing 36-40, and vise versa. for PHENIX BLUE... 41,51,36-40 YELL... 21,31,16-20 for STAR BLUE... 21,31,16-20 YELL... 41,51,36-40 List of Anomay bunches known from the specific luminosity dist: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fill | P S | Bunch(*1) | FILL(*2) | ORIGIN (*3) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2201 | X O | | | 2207 | O O | 26(P) 46(S) | | B(26) 2208 | O O | | | 2212 | X O | | | 2216 | X O | | | 2222 | X O | 41(S) | | B(21) 2226 | O X | | discard | 2233 | O O | 31,51(PS) | | BY(31,51) 2235 | O O | 31,35,51,55(P) 11,15,51,55(S) | B(31,35,51,55) 2244 | O O | | | 2246 | O O | 12,13,32,33,52,53 (PS) | | BY(12,13,32,33,52,53) 2251 | O O | | | 2257 | O O | | | 2258 | O O | | | 2265 | O X | 33(P) | | Y(13) 2266 | O O | | | 2269 | X O | 10(S) | discard | Y(10) 2275 | O O | | | 2277 | O O | | | 2281 | O O | 45(P) 25(S) | | Y(25) 2289 | O O | | | 2290 | O O | | | 2301 | O O | | | 2303 | O O | | | 2304 | O O | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (*1) The bunches which should be discarded are listed here. The number is defined as 1-60th. The regularly bad bunches are omitted here. "P" and "S" represent PHENIX and STAR, and "PS" means the bunch crossing is common for two. Listed bunches have apparently small or large specific luminosity, and in every case common between 3 detectors. However note that this does not directly mean the polarization of these bunches are wrong. But we should discard them to take the safe side. (*2) The fills which have no valid CNI measurement are marked as "discarded". Criteria to distinguish the valid or invalid runs is tentatively defined as, CNI sin curve fit CHI^2 > 5 --> bad bunches --> if the number of bad bunches >=8 then discard the measurement (*3) Listed bunches from each ring are excluded from asymmetry calculation. Apparently "B" is blue "Y" is yellow and "BY" is common for both rings.