AN Beam Energy Dependence

  A number of measurements were taken with the CNI and E880 polarimeters running in parallel. The beam was accelerated to a flat top energy. The CNI polarimeter took data for the first part of the flat top. Then, the beam was debunched, and the E880 polarimeter took data. The table below (compiled by Haixin Huang) summarizes the data that was taken. The errors are statistical only. The in AN of E880 is not included.
Gγ     CNI "polarization"    CNI χ2   E880 asymmetry    E880 χ2    E880 polarization    Date (in 2003)
7.5 396.38±1.23 1.49 33.57±0.13 2.39 73.6±0.29 May 15
12.5 189.34±0.67 5.30 17.80±0.16 0.67 67.7±0.9 May 17,21
18.5 108.66±0.89 1.99 11.69±0.26 0.95 64.6±1.4 May 28
24.5 84.33±1.30 0.87 8.08±0.27 0.36 64.1±2.1 May 30
41.5 44.67±0.49 1.85 3.37±0.13 1.03 48.8±1.9 May 27-28
46.5 26.27±0.73 1.18 1.80±0.17 0.71 31.0±2.9 May 29

  The AN values used for the E880 polarimeter were only calibrated for Gγ = 7.5, 41.5 and 46.5. Gγ = 7.5 uses the calibration with forward arms done in 2002. For Gγ = 41.5 the E925 calibraion is used, and the value is extrapolated to 46.5. The calibration for Gγ = 12.5, 18.5 and 24.5 is based on a fitting curve on old E880 data.

AN for the CNI polarimeter:
AN values for the CNI polarimeter were calculated using the polarizations from E880 in the table above. Only statistical errors are shown in the plots below.
  • ε vs. beam energy   (pdf)
  • ε -t dependence   (pdf)
  • AN vs. beam energy   (pdf)
  • AN -t dependence   (pdf)

  • maintained by: Jeff Wood,
    last updated: 11/19/03