Edead History for FY04 Run
Plots of fit parameters vs. run number:
Edead and t0 were fit for ~500 keV < Ekin
< ~1200 keV.
Edead vs. run
t0 vs. run
Things to note:
Si detectors were replaced between runs 11161 and 11162.
The small t0 values for runs < 10300 can be attributed
to a change in the bunch-zero delay parameter.
t0 values are fairly constant with fluctuations < 10%
(with the exception of runs < 10300 and run 11243).
Fluctuations in Edead are large particularly for strips 25-36
and strips 37-48.
Edead for strips 25-36 is small (~50 keV) compared to the other
three detectors (~100-110 keV). This continues even after all four
detectors were replaced.
maintained by: Jeff Wood, wood@physics.ucla.edu
last updated: 8/16/04