class DOMString

DOMString is the generic string class that stores all strings used in the DOM C++ API



Cloning function.
DOMString clone () const
Makes a clone of a the DOMString
Constructors and assignment operator
DOMString ()
Default constructor for DOMString
DOMString (const DOMString &other)
Copy constructor
DOMString (const XMLCh *other)
Constructor to build a DOMString from an XML character array
DOMString (const XMLCh *other, int length)
Constructor to build a DOMString from a character array of given length
DOMString (const char *other)
Constructor to build a DOMString from an 8 bit character array
DOMString (int initalBufferSize)
Constructor to build an empty DOMString with the character buffer preallocated to the specified size
DOMString& operator = (const DOMString &other)
Assignment operator
~DOMString ()
Destructor for DOMString
Equality and Inequality operators.
bool operator == (const DOMString &other) const
Equality operator
bool operator != (const DOMString &other) const
Inequality operator
bool operator == (const DOM_NullPtr *other) const
Equality operator
bool operator != (const DOM_NullPtr *other) const
Inequality operator, for null test
Functions to change the string.
void appendData (const DOMString &other)
Appends the content of another DOMString to this string
void deleteData (int offset, int count)
Clears the data of this DOMString
void insertData (int offset, const DOMString &data)
Inserts a string within the existing DOMString at an arbitrary position
Functions to compare a string with another.
int strcmp (const DOMString &other) const
Compares a DOMString with another
bool equals (const DOMString &other) const
Tells if a DOMString contains the same character data as another
bool equals (const XMLCh *other) const
Compare a DOMString with a null-terminated raw 16-bit character string
Functions to get properties of the string.
XMLCh charAt (int index) const
Returns the character at the specified position
XMLCh* rawBuffer () const
Returns a handle to the raw buffer in the DOMString
DOMString substringData (int offset, int count) const
Returns a sub-string of the DOMString starting at a specified position
int length () const
Returns the length of the DOMString
Operators for string manipulation.
DOMString operator + (const DOMString &other)
Concatenate a DOMString to another
Print functions.
void print () const
Dumps the DOMString on the console
void println () const
Dumps the DOMString on the console with a line feed at the end


DOMString is the generic string class that stores all strings used in the DOM C++ API. Though this class supports most of the common string operations to manipulate strings, it is not meant to be a comphrehensive string class.
Constructors and assignment operator

Default constructor for DOMString. The resulting DOMString object refers to no string at all; it will compare == 0.

DOMString(const DOMString &other)
Copy constructor.
other - The object to be copied.

DOMString(const XMLCh *other)
Constructor to build a DOMString from an XML character array. (XMLCh is a 16 bit UNICODE character).
other - The null-terminated character array to be that provides the initial value for the DOMString.

DOMString(const XMLCh *other, int length)
Constructor to build a DOMString from a character array of given length.
other - The character array to be imported into the DOMString
length - The length of the character array to be imported

DOMString(const char *other)
Constructor to build a DOMString from an 8 bit character array. The char * string will be transcoded to UNICODE using the default code page on the system where the code is running.
other - The character array to be imported into the DOMString

DOMString(int initalBufferSize)
Constructor to build an empty DOMString with the character buffer preallocated to the specified size. A DOMString will grow its buffer on demand, as characters are added, but it can be more efficient to allocate once in advance, if the size is known.
initialBufferSize - The initial size of the buffer inside the DOMString, measured in 16 bit characters.

DOMString& operator = (const DOMString &other)
Assignment operator. Make destination DOMString refer to the same underlying string in memory as the source string.
the - source DOMString.


Destructor for DOMString

Operators for string manipulation.

DOMString operator + (const DOMString &other)
Concatenate a DOMString to another.
The concatenated object
other - The string to be concatenated.

Equality and Inequality operators.

bool operator == (const DOMString &other) const
Equality operator.
True if the two DOMStrings refer to the same underlying string in memory.

WARNING: operator == does NOT compare the contents of the two strings. To do this, use the DOMString::equals() This behavior is modelled after the String operations in Java, and is also similar to operator == on the other DOM_* classes.

other - The object to be compared with.

bool operator != (const DOMString &other) const
Inequality operator.
True if the two DOMStrings refer to different underlying strings in memory.

WARNING: operator == does NOT compare the contents of the two strings. To do this, use the DOMString::equals() This behavior is modelled after the String operations in Java, and is also similar to operator == on the other DOM_* classes.

other - The object to be compared with.

bool operator == (const DOM_NullPtr *other) const
Equality operator. Test for a null DOMString, which is one that does not refer to any string at all; similar to a null object reference variable in Java.
other - must be 0 or null.

bool operator != (const DOM_NullPtr *other) const
Inequality operator, for null test.
True if the two strings are different, false otherwise
other - must be 0 or null.

Functions to change the string.

void appendData(const DOMString &other)
Appends the content of another DOMString to this string.
other - The object to be appended

void deleteData(int offset, int count)
Clears the data of this DOMString.
offset - The position from the beginning from which the data must be deleted
count - The count of characters from the offset that must be deleted

void insertData(int offset, const DOMString &data)
Inserts a string within the existing DOMString at an arbitrary position.
The object to be returned.
offset - The offset from the beginning at which the insertion needs to be done in this object
data - The DOMString containing the data that needs to be inserted

Functions to get properties of the string.

XMLCh charAt(int index) const
Returns the character at the specified position.
Returns the character at the specified position.
index - The position at which the character is being requested

XMLCh* rawBuffer() const
Returns a handle to the raw buffer in the DOMString.
The pointer inside the DOMString containg the string data.

DOMString substringData(int offset, int count) const
Returns a sub-string of the DOMString starting at a specified position.
The sub-string of the DOMString being requested
offset - The offset from the beginning from which the sub-string is being requested.
count - The count of characters in the requested sub-string

int length() const
Returns the length of the DOMString.
The length of the string

Cloning function.

DOMString clone() const
Makes a clone of a the DOMString.
The object to be cloned.

Print functions.

void print() const
Dumps the DOMString on the console

void println() const
Dumps the DOMString on the console with a line feed at the end

Functions to compare a string with another.

int strcmp(const DOMString &other) const
Compares a DOMString with another. This strcmp does not match the semantics of the standard C strcmp. All it needs to do is define some less than - equals - greater than ordering of strings. How doesn't matter.
Either -1, 0, or 1 based on the comparison.
other - The object to be compared with

bool equals(const DOMString &other) const
Tells if a DOMString contains the same character data as another.
True if the two DOMStrings are same, false otherwise.
other - The DOMString to be compared with.

bool equals(const XMLCh *other) const
Compare a DOMString with a null-terminated raw 16-bit character string.
True if the strings are the same, false otherwise.
other - The character string to be compared with.

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

XML Parser for C++ 2.0
Copyright © IBM Corp, 1999
Center for Java Technology
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