STAR IST Cosmic Tests and Data Analysis
IST ZS/non-ZS Checking
Update Summay on ZS vs. non-ZS check
Comparison calculated pedestal/RMS values between histogram calculation method and histogram method over all time bins (StIstCalibrationMaker updated):
Time bin 0 Time bin 1 Time bin 2 Time bin 3 Time bin 4
Time bin 5 Time bin 6 Time bin 7 Time bin 8
ADC Pattern of matched raw hits between non-ZS and ZS
Quick Check on IST Pedestal/RMS Stabilties (84 runs included: 75 cosmic runs in blue color + 9 gold+gold physics runs in red color; 3*sigma cuts applied in offline calibration maker to exclude signal-like events)
IST pedestal/RMS stability check: IST Pedestal/RMS Stabilities Check
IST Pedestal/RMS Stabilities of pedestal_tcd_only runs
IST Pedestal/RMS Stabilities of pedAsPhys_tcd_only runs
IST Pedestal/RMS Stabilities of cosmic runs
IST Pedestal/RMS Stabilities of Au+Au@15GeV runs
Pedestal Shape in cosmic run without pedestal cut
Pedestal Shape in cosmic run with pedestal cut
Pedestal Shape in physics run without pedestal cut
Pedestal Shape in physics run with pedestal cut
Check: <1> The pedestals look stable within 15 ADC counts both in cosmic and physics data, but seems bigger pedestals in physics runs than cosmic runs. <2> The RMS noise look stable within 1.5 ADC counts in cosmic data but seriuos fluctuations (within 10 ADC counts) in phsyics runs.
Conclusion: Request non-ZS data output for pedestal runs for offline calibration.
Summay on ZS vs. non-ZS check
0. Pedestal/RMS calculation methods comparison between Online and Offline
See slides page 5 (difference with calculation methods used online and offline, which could be the reason of the pedestal/rms shift between online and offline)
To have a quick check, I populated the online pedestal/rms table (Tonko's) to the local istPedNoise table for non-ZS pedestal subtraction. Then I run offline chain with non-ZS data sample and ZS data sample each for run #15040023. The results show the ZS data matches the non-ZS data very well as expected, and overal matching efficiency ~100%. This check shows the online ZS works well (See below plots).
(1) Different readout sections check (overall matching efficiency ~ 99.6%) (72 sections in total)
I implemented Tonko's calculation method into the IST offline calibration maker, and will compare which method is more reasonable.
1. Raw hits number found/matching efficiency in different readout sections and raw hit ADC range (#15040003, #15040005 and #15040006 combined)
(1) Different readout sections check (72 sections in total)
(2) Different ADC ranges check (6 ADC ranges: (0, 300], (300, 600], (600, 1050], (1050, 1650], (1650, 2500], (2500, 4000] ADC counts)
More raw hits found (more fake raw hits?) in ZS data than non-ZS data. Need to compare algorithm used to calculate pedestal/rms noise online and offline (see slides at item 0).
2. Pedestal/RMS comparison: Onl -- Tonko (#15039124), Ofl -- Yaping (#15039169)
Comparison calculated pedestal/RMS values between online (Tonko) and offline over all time bins:
Time bin 0 Time bin 1 Time bin 2 Time bin 3 Time bin 4
Time bin 5 Time bin 6 Time bin 7 Time bin 8
There are around ~4 ADC counts shift on pedestal and ~2 ADC counts shift on RMS noise between online and offfline.
3. Matching efficiency comparison
Entire runs of #15040003, #15040005, and #15040006 were analyzed to compare results from ZS and non-ZS data. In these runs, there are non-ZS and ZS data in each event. I run the IST offline chain to get IST hit with non-ZS data and ZS data as input, respectively. Event-by-event raw hit/hit matching between these two results was done. The percentage of non-ZS hits that match the ZS hits are calculated.
Run 15040003:
(1) 1st event of #15040003 is bad (hot!). See the event ID distribution before / after 1st event removed!
(2) Comparison at raw hit level (matching ratio ~0.907 as shown in bottom-right plot)
(3) Comparison at hit level (matching ratio ~0.907 as shown in top-right plot)
Run 15040005:
(1) 1st five events of #15040005 are bad (hot!). See the event ID distribution before / after 1st five events removed!
(2) Comparison at raw hit level (matching ratio ~0.923 as shown in bottom-right plot)
(3) Comparison at hit level (matching ratio ~0.922 as shown in top-right plot)
Run 15040006:
(1) 1st event of #15040006 is bad (hot!). See the event ID distribution before / after 1st event removed!
(2) Comparison at raw hit level (matching ratio ~0.914 as shown in bottom-right plot)
(3) Comparison at hit level (matching ratio ~0.912 as shown in top-right plot)
Conclusion: The comparison shows the percentage of the non-ZS raw-hits/hits that match the ZS raw-hits/hits seems to be bigger than 90%. The results from ZS and non-ZS data show a very good agreement except for the hit(raw hit) ADC counts, ~ 4 ADC counts shift.
IST Mapping Update
Based on the IST offline QA plots for #15049075, we found there was a readout cable swapping problem between section B and section C on ladder 13. As confirmed by Gerrit, I updated the IST mapping Db table and fixed the problem. The updated mapping table has been populated into STAR DB with time stamp 2014-01-29 00:00:01.
hit map (ladder Id vs APV Id) before mapping update
hit map (ladder Id vs APV Id) after mapping update
hit map (row Id vs column Id) before mapping update (769 <= row <= 832)
hit map (row Id vs column Id) after mapping update
The updated IST offline QA plots can be found here: IST Offline QA for #15049075 (with updated mapping)
IST MIP Results
Cosmic runs #15040005 and #15040006 (194.5K+194.5K events, zero field, tof+eemc+tpx+pxl+mtd+ist+sst+gmt+L4+daq+trg) were analyzed, and ideal TPC global position table was loaded (no global shift). IST geometry/Calibration Db tables were loaded from STAR DB server. The calibration method is introduced as following chapter, and the current calibration Db tables clean the bad channels well for the cosmic runs.
The event tree is based on Xin's version, and minor updates were done for IST.
The following results only take into account the IST hit which has matched PXL hits and TPC track points.
(1) IST hit global X vs Y and MIP spectrum (click to download)
Caption: IST hit global position (left); MIP spectrum without track angle correction (middle); MIP spectrum with track angle correction (right).
IST hit global X vs Y and MIP spectrum (full range) (click to download)
The MIP's MPV after track angle correction is around 450 ADC counts, which is very close the IST prototype performance results (441 ADC counts). (see slide 19: Link)
(2) IST hit multiplicity, cluster size, Signal/Noise ratio and max time bin (click to download)
Caption: IST hit multiplicity (top-left); IST hit cluster size (top-right); IST hit ADC-to-RMS ratio (bottom-left); IST hit max ADC time bin (bottom right).
(3) IST hit residual (click to download)
The residual results show two peaks along Z direction and also have big RMS values in both r-phi and Z directions. This can be contributed to no TPC calibrations. As discussed with Xin, I will try to use PXL hits (one hit on inner ladder and outer ladder each in same sector) to project to IST layer, and then do the residual.
IST Calibration Method
Step 1: Software set-up
Please set up the software enviroment in your own working directory. The latest IST offline/calibration software can be found at: /star/u/ypwang/disk01/offlineQA_ist/. You need copy the StRoot and StarDb directories.
The introduction for IST calibration can be found at: IST Calibration Introduction
All shell scripts and macros can be found at: /star/u/ypwang/disk01/offlineQA_ist/DB/istCalibration/
Step 2: Instruction to play calibration
(1) Download DAQ files (one file per run): sh ${DAY Number}
Note: please prepare run list for each day. The daq files will be downloaded to /star/data03/daq/2014 by default, and you can choose your favoriate place.
(2) Run offline calibration in batch mode: sh ${DAY Number}
Note: please make sure the data member "isCalibMode" in StIstRawHitMaker is initialized to 1 for calibration chain.
(3) Print bad chip/channel candidates: sh ${DAY Number}
Note: bad chip list and bad channel list are produced, and the fixed bad channels/chips shoule be defiend (currently, this work is done manually, and should be automatic).
(4) Generate the istPedNoise noise Db table: sh ${DAY Number}
(5) Move the new istPedNoise Db table to local StarDb/Calibrations/ist
(6) Run IST offline chain using the updated istPedNoise: sh ${DAY Number}
Note: please make sure the data member "isCalibMode" in StIstRawHitMaker is initialized to 0 for offline chain.
(7) SCan individual non-fixed bad channels (by channel electronics Id in raw hits tree): sh ${DAY Number}
Note: The new bad individual channel Ids should be fiiled into the list generated in step 4.