About me
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Publication List
Curriculum Vitae
Doctor Thesis
Plots from models
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A story about J/psi
----- Presentations -----
The XVII Internation Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Quark Matter 2004
Oakland, CA, USA
Jun 11-17, 2004
Poster presentation
"Centrality Dependence of Chemical Freeze-out at RHIC"
Oral presentation
"Event anisotropy of identified pi0, photon and electron
compared to charged pi, K, proton and deuteron
in sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV Au+Au at RHIC-PHENIX"
The XVI International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Quark Matter 2002
Nantes, France
Jul 18-24, 2002
Poster presentation
"Kinetic and Chemical Freeze-out Properties at RHIC"
The XIII International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Quark Matter '97
Tsukuba, Japan
Dec 1-5, 1997
Oral presentation
"Kaon and Proton ratios from Central Pb+Pb Collisions at the CERN SPS"
(HTML and gzipped PS)
International school on The Physics of Quark Gluon Plasma
Hiroshima, Japan
Jun 3-6, 19997
The V International conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter '97
Santorini, Greece,
Apr 14-18, 1997
- 1997年9月22日、日本物理学会 1997年秋の分科会(東京都立大学)
- CERN SPS 中心衝突における化学平衡
- 1997年3月28日、日本物理学会第52回年会(名城大学)
- CERN SPS Pb+Pb 中心衝突における粒子生成比
- 1996年4月1日、日本物理学会第51回年会(金沢大学)
- CERN SPS 鉛+鉛衝突における発生粒子のKT分布
Access may be restricted for talk in STAR meeting
- Soft Hadron Group meeting (2001/04/02)
- Freeze-out conditions (Chemical and Kinetic)
- Spectra PWG meeting (2001/04/11)
- Hydrodynamical motivated fits to our data
- STAR analysis meeting (2001/05/14)
- What we've learned so far from Thermo-dynamical model
- Soft Hadron Group meeting (2001/05/21)
- pi0 (gamma) event anisotropy analysis
- STAR collaboration meeting, Spectra PWG meeting (2001/06/25)
- Hydrodynamics type model fit for spectra
- STAR collaboration meeting, Plenary session (2001/06/28)
- Two Parameters Fit for Spectra
- STAR workshop, Physics of vector meson and identified particles at RHIC (2002/1/25)
- Thermal fits - collective expansion -
- STAR collaboration meeting, Spectra PWG meeting (2002/02/10)
- RHIC Data Viewed from Thermal Models
- STAR analysis meeting, Spectra PWG meeting (2002/05/03)
- Statistical model interpretation of data
- STAR analysis meeting, Plenary session (2002/05/04)
- Statistical model interpretation of data
- Soft Hadron Group meeting (2002/10/07)
- gamma and pi0 event anisotropy in 200GeV Au+Au collisions
- STAR analysis meeting, Spectra PWG meeting (2002/10/23)
- Chemical Freeze-out in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions
- STAR analysis meeting, Plenary session (2002/10/23)
- gamma event anisotropy in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions
Access may be restricted for talk in the follwoing PHENIX meeting