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A story about J/psi
----- Memorandum from my work for STAR -----
The following documents are my memorandum about what I try for software for STAR.
Read Calibration Database from stand alone program (ReadDbTable_2),
- Make MyClass_1 under STAR software environment.
This example will make a canvas and plot histogram by using root library.
MyClass_2 that reads an information of calibration database from ROOT.
(same operation with ReadDbTable_2)
How to write a data to database on mySQL server.
A stand-alone program (MyClass_3)
How to read a data from database on mySQL server.
A stand-alone program (MyClass_4)
A maker on flamework of StChain (StTpcGainsReadMaker)
A root macro tpcDbTest.C using StTpcDb, StpcDbMaker and St_db_Maker classes.
By command line interface.
Data analysis and MC study
Those works are put under protected area (STAR Collaborations only).
Proton and antiproton background study.