class DOM_DOMException

Encapsulate a general DOM error or warning



Constructors and assignment operator
DOM_DOMException (short code, const DOMString &message)
Constructor which takes an error code and a message
DOM_DOMException (const DOM_DOMException &other)
Copy constructor
virtual ~DOM_DOMException ()
Destructor for DOM_DOMException
Public variables.
ExceptionCode code
A code value, from the set defined by the ExceptionCode enum, indicating the type of error that occured
DOMString msg
A string value


Encapsulate a general DOM error or warning.

The DOM will create and throw an instance of DOMException when an error condition is detected. Exceptions can occur when an application directly manipulates the DOM document tree that is produced by the parser, or when a document tree is created from scratch using the DOM API. DOM exceptions will not be generated by the parser while constructing a document tree from an XML source document.

Unlike the other classes in the C++ DOM API, DOM_DOMException is NOT a reference to an underlying implementation class, and does not provide automatic memory management. Code that catches a DOM exception is responsible for deleting it, or otherwise arranging for its disposal.

Constructors and assignment operator

DOM_DOMException(short code, const DOMString &message)
Constructor which takes an error code and a message.
code - The error code which indicates the exception
message - The string containing the error message

DOM_DOMException(const DOM_DOMException &other)
Copy constructor.
other - The object to be copied.


virtual ~DOM_DOMException()
Destructor for DOM_DOMException. Applications are responsible for deleting DOM_Exception objects that they catch after they have completed their exception processing.

Public variables.

ExceptionCode code
A code value, from the set defined by the ExceptionCode enum, indicating the type of error that occured

DOMString msg
A string value. Applications may use this field to hold an error message. The field value is not set by the DOM implementation, meaning that the string will be empty when an exception is first thrown.

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

XML Parser for C++ 2.0
Copyright © IBM Corp, 1999
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