Osamu's Documentation
For Polarimeter operations during the RHIC runs
- For RHIC ramp measurement
(MS word)
- For RHIC spin-flipper measurement
(MS word)
- Brief summary of online monitoring scripts
- Instruction how to make the online calibration parameter files.
- Description on the parameters of the Si dead layer kinetic functions
- Run-03,04 Guides (will obsolete in Run-05)
- CNI polarimeter regular measurement procedures with C-AD pet page
- CNI polarimeter monitoring GUI user guide
- Igor's instruction of WFD code downloading
(MS word)
- Current (as of Jan.2005) available IP addresses
RUN-04 information
- Online polarization information
(note txt)
- Polarization measurements during the fills
- Polarization profile measurements results
- RHIC ramp measurements results
- The slides for the last 1.5 days of run-04
- Table of run correspondances between Jet vs. pC at calibration runs
- Extracting the coefficients for linear approximation of dead layer correction from the non-linear functions
- Corrected Run04 - 10/2005 (excel)
RUN-03 information
RUN-02 information
- Bunch selection rules link
- Recalibration information link
- Offline analysis results: The tables of result values are in the "bunch selection rules" link above, Note on the correction from run-04 A_N(100GeV) txt
miscellaneous information
- Ggamma vs. energy table for AGS
- Carbon bananas detector distances :15cm vs. 20cm (1GeV Mass width)
- Maximum point of figure of merit