Analysis Notes
Annual Reports
Related PapersSi Dead Layer
- Charge States and Charge-Chaingin Cross Sections of Fast Heavy Ions Penertating
Through Gaseous and Solid Media, Hans-dieter Betz,
Rev.Mod.Phys. 44 (1972) 465 (13MB)
- Measured stopping powers of 12C and 14N ions in thin elemental foils,
D.C. Santry and R.D.Werner,
NIM B53 (1991) 7
- Stopping power for MeV 12C ions in solids, Z.Tao et al,
NIM B135 (1998) 169
- Stopping power values of Be, C, Al and Si for 4He ions,
D.C. Santry and R.D.Werner,
NIM 178 (1980) 523
Square Root Formula
- Techniques for measurement of spin-1/2 and spin-1 polarization anlyzing tensors,
NIM 109 (1973) 41
Carbon Target
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Last Modified: May 22, 2007